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Step Into Conscious Connection

Welcome to Let's Unpack That, where practical magic meets intentional gathering. Guided by Sarah, a down-to-earth counsellor with a cosmic edge, this space is for warm-hearted innovators who are blazing their own trail and strengthening their communities. Here, we unlock everyday mysticism through deep listening, playful transformation and modern-day ritual.


Circle Facilitation
(Express Interest via contact form)


The Cosmic Session

The Cosmic Session is a dynamic 90-minute spiritual guidance experience for curious innovators, creatives and mystics who want confidence and clarity on how to lead themselves through a current life challenge.


Initiation is a 4-session immersion for community-centred folks who have a gift for gathering people together and are yearning to create spaces of intentional connection, depth and sisterhood.

Follow for a a little extra magic in your day

I acknowledge that I live, work and play on stolen land. De-colonising our hearts and minds is an ongoing journey that takes deep presence. May we continue to humbly reflect upon the courage, injustices, resilience, collective trauma, loss and bold sovereign leadership of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. And in doing so, participate in a future that we can all be proud of.


Let's Unpack That directs $50 each month to the The Healing Foundation. This organisation promotes trauma-aware, healing-informed practice that amplifies the voices and lived experience of Stolen Generations survivors and their families - more info here

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