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Hey, I'm Sarah

Therapy doesn't have to be the big deal we make it out to be. We all need a space to be fully seen and heard by somebody who truly ‘gets’ us. 


My professional qualifications and personal experience enable me to delicately hold the balance between presence, curiosity and practical tools.

Sometimes people go to therapy to find out 'what's wrong with them'. This is not my approach. I look for the nuances of what is influencing your situation and ask questions about your values, beliefs and ideas. Together we find the clarity that will empower you to take your next step. 


My ultimate aim is to take you on the road back to trusting yourself. You're the expert of your own life - and I am just the mirror for you to see that again.

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"Sarah is one of a kind. She spoke my language and gave me a whole new perspective of looking at things" - Lily

I acknowledge that I live, work and play on stolen land. De-colonising our hearts and minds is an ongoing journey that takes deep presence. May we continue to humbly reflect upon the courage, injustices, resilience, collective trauma, loss and bold sovereign leadership of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. And in doing so, participate in a future that we can all be proud of.


Let's Unpack That directs $50 each month to the The Healing Foundation. This organisation promotes trauma-aware, healing-informed practice that amplifies the voices and lived experience of Stolen Generations survivors and their families - more info here

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